The Programmer Kid
The Programmer Kid It is easy to sit back and think IT skills are only important for those pursuing IT work, but this is 2017, we are becoming more and more reliant on computers even in the smallest aspects of our lives. Banking, Finance, Accounting and other jobs that historically didn’t involved computer chips and programming, now uses computers. Candidates today can distinguish themselves not only by having job-appropriate knowledge and experience, but also by being more tech-savvy than their competitors. So, all those young minds sitting at home should start smart. Let us start by looking at some success where KIDS yes KIDS made millions by using a ‘cheap computer’ and an ‘Expensive ambition to make it big’. These are just two of the great examples where kids made in to the fame by genius idea, great hard work and a pinch of craziness "to achieve big goals with their young souls". Kids should learn PROGRAMMING 1. Progra...