Future of Marketing

Predicting Consumer Behavior with AI

What is A.I 
Artificial Intelligence is the new buzz word. It promises to revolutionize our future. Change everything around us as we know it. Artificial Intelligence refers to the development of computer systems in which machines can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. In other words, A.I are intelligent machines that work and react like humans But let’s cut through the hype and focus on what it’s already impacted, the digital marketing scene. 

How can it help in marketing? 
Understanding what consumers want and need - ideally, before they even do - is the ultimate goal of a marketer. And AI makes that much easier. Through Machine Learning, AI is able to identify and predict their next customers through data mining. Through observing what people are talking about on social media they can identify subsets of people who are in need of the particular product or service in question. This then helps them identify their target audience.  Another ground-breaking aspect of AI comes from it’s “deep learning” ability. Deep Learning gives AI a “Predictive Vision” of sorts… through this vision, they are able to identify patterns and predict future events. So what are the implications of this in marketing? 
By marrying big amounts of data acquired through ML and AI’s Predictive Vision, businesses will be able to find patterns in patterns; they will be able to understand what the customers really want, and the methods to effectively approach them. All in all, this results in Market Automation, a concept which opens the door to hyper-personalized marketing which takes the customer’s intent in mind. 


This ability to predict customer’s needs is pure gold for marketers, and this is just the start of AI. A lot more is to come. AI will help us rely less on assumptions and more on data-driven insights; both, in and out, of the field of marketing.

About the Writer:
Kanishk Kundu is a 14 year old Coder who has been interested in AI for a really long time. He has been Coding since he was 12 years old... when he was 13 he won his first award in the field of coding by placing 6th in a Google Competition. By far, AI has been the most interesting topic for him. 

-Kanishk Kundu 
(Under the Guidance of TalentHome Solutions)


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